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Understanding Love, Relationships, and Marriage

This section is about discovering what you want in a relationship or marriage and how to build towards it in a way that you do not lose your identity in the process. It is about how to live a full Christian marriage life unapologetically as partners who love and respect each other.

Oh, Lord, Who Have I Married? For Men starts with the unwise counsel of Zeresh, which ultimately costs the life of her husband, Haman. This book serves as a stark reminder of the similarities between the biblical giants of yesteryears and the married Christian couples of today. Fiery challenges ranging from affairs and sexual improprieties to barrenness and prostitution prove that marriages either succeed or fail based on each partner’s actions or reactions.

The lessons outlined in this book is for today’s Christian couples on how best to learn and leverage the biblical stories of the past greats, so that we do not repeat their mistakes or fall unwilling victims to our own poor behaviors or choices. This book strives to ensure that through honesty, communication and transparency, we learn to accept, change, and modify toxic behaviors that could damage our marriages. We must revolutionize our approach to marriage if we are to make the right and healthy choice in picking our lifelong partners without any regret. May we never wake up one day, turn to our partner, and ask the question: “Oh LORD! Who Have I Married?”

Oh Lord, Who Have I Married? For Women unpeels the hidden gems that many biblical marriages teaches whether through their successes or failures by recognizing what it takes to be successfully married in the 21st century. Sandra Ekpenyong does an amazing job in identifying that some of the best biblical marriages had elements of mutual respect and a shared vision of what both couples wanted their marriage to look like. This book serves as a resource for all women, whether you are single, engaged, married, divorced, or yes—even the widowed! It is only when we are honest and clear in our expectations of both ourselves and our spouses that can we thrive in marriage as God intended us to.

Oh Lord, Who Have I Married? seeks to expose women to the different types of husbands in the Bible and how they translate into modern Christian spouses as well. How their actions or reactions impacted the wellbeing of their marriages. Healthy discourse, boundaries, communications, and set expectations are all part of a rich and healthy Christian marriage. While marriage may take work, passion, and commitment, it should never be toxic or burdensome! May we never ask the dreaded question one day in the middle of the night pondering – “Oh LORD! Who Have I Married?”

12 Questions Every Christian Should Ask Before They Get Married aims to ask the right questions regarding what you want your marriage to look like. Marriage is an intimate, significant lifelong commitment to one individual; therefore, couples involved should find the courage to ask the uncomfortable relationship questions that can only help and not hurt their relationships. Sadly, for many couples refrain from questionings their partner due to fear of losing their relationships altogether. While all relationships will have their bumps in the road; some issues are unavoidable while others are preventable or at least manageable, if properly equipped. Questions like who oversees the finances to setting boundaries for visiting in-laws are just as important as how to navigate a partner with a low sex drive or who is chronically unemployed!

With Christian divorce rate at #1 globally, we have failed to teach our children what healthy and wholesome marriages should look like. For the courageous Christians ready to put in the work for their marriages to be successful, this book is for you. Marriage is no fairytale institution but with love and purposefully applying the tools and principles laid out here; you get a fighting chance to build a great marriage. This coupled with the fact that by asking the right questions you can better manage your matrimonial expectations realistically. Asking the right questions today lays the proper building blocks for a strong and successful marriage tomorrow.