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Christian Business Entrepeneurship Principles & Ministerial Ethics

This section is about operating from a place of complete transparency and integrity as a Christian businessman, woman or minister. Your ethics, the quality of your product and your character should be what distinguishes you in the marketplace, ministry or in public. If you must first lead with “I am a Christian” then your business may be untrustworthy. Remember that Pharoah got to hear about Joseph’s character long before meeting him in person or seeing his leadership skills in action.

Have you ever been told that to succeed, you must be cutthroat and dishonest—even though you are a good Christian? Well, you do not have to destroy others to prosper. Starting Simple is the first installment of Igniting Your Vision, a five-book series designed to help the everyday Christian step out in faith and implement their vision to perfect execution in the marketplace successfully.

It is here we learn how to properly apply fundamental life principles while realistically managing the expectations of our dreams in healthy and productive ways. As in starting any new venture, you will face a roller coaster of different emotions from sheer excitement to fear, betrayal and even disappointment! While your emotions may be valid, some simple yet essential tools and the right Scriptures can help you make it to the end. Congratulations on Igniting Your Vision!

Walking Alone is Part 2 of Igniting Your Vision, a five-book series designed to help the everyday Christian to step out in faith and work their vision until they are successful in the marketplace. As the euphoria of starting your own business or ministry begins to wear off, reality begins to hit you from all directions! Where are all those family members and friends that pledge their time and commitment to your vision? Or maybe you have the friends, but the spouse walks out—or worse, a child dies!

This second part of pursing your dream is going to be hardest but if you can stay the course, it will become the best-selling story that packs stadiums of diehard fans around the world. However, pursuing your dream can be lonely, though it will build you up in ways unimaginable. Be strong, be courageous, and do not take the easy way out. Sometimes we just have to walk alone in our purpose!

There it is: the budding sign of success . . . and now everyone who was once unavailable wants to help you out—ha! Building Strategically is Part 3 of Igniting Your Vision, a five-book series that empowers the everyday Christian in pursing their vision. This book captures the pivotal point in going after your dreams when you must sink or swim. A little bit of success might make you think you have arrived, and when help comes, you will be tempted to take anything that is offered to you—but not so fast!

This third part of your dream will require a level of intuition and discernment like never before. Building your team will require not just skill but a true sense of knowing who is right or wrong for your organization; not every offer of help is meant to be taken. Identify early on who your strategic helpers are and work with them only in key aspects of your budding business for long-term success!

Sold-out seminars on how to be successful attract crowds to hear speakers. That is why you bought this book, right? The truth is that our failures are just as important as our successes, even though we hate to admit it. We love stories about famous people who experienced failure or rejection and are now successful; it speaks to their undying drive to be someone, even when everyone else told them they would never make it.

Failures and Success is Part 4 of Igniting Your Vision, a five-book series. This book is truthful in saying that we will experience the same things that unbelievers do— from heartbreaking disappointments to groundbreaking successes! This is the nature of all men; even Christ had a temporary moment of weakness in the Garden, but He too stayed the course. Know that every scar of failure makes your success so much more impressive to those around you than you will ever know. Celebrate your successes but also appreciate your failures and the lessons that came with them as well.

We all love a good movie! The best ones end with you saying, “I hope there’s a sequel to this”—and that is what your vision should always look like. It should make people want, ache for, and desire more from you. Your success should make some people envy you and others want to be like you. It should make people want to replicate your track record!

Ending Triumphantly is the final part of the Igniting Your Vision series. When you have experienced success, three things will happen to you. Firstly, you will discover that you had nothing to prove to anyone other than yourself. Secondly, you will find that next time, you can replicate your level of success more quickly, and with fewer mistakes. And finally, you may have evolved into trying something totally different, which is the true meaning of ending triumphantly. Your story continues to live on in the next generation, which can appreciate your struggles, disappointments, pains, and failures, but will celebrate you for nothing less than your evolution!