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About The Author

Sandra Ekpengyong

Sandra Ekaete Ekpenyong is the daughter of Genevieve Ekaete and Jonathan Ekpenyong who both migrated from Nigeria to further their education. After obtaining their advanced degrees, her father would go on to work for the World Bank in Washington, DC while her mother became a renowned journalist, fondly dubbed by the African community “The Black Barbara Walter.”

Sandra would lose her mother at the tender age of seven and returned to Nigeria with her father who would later remarry. She would become the older sister of two wonderful siblings, Akan and Uyai.  Sandra who inherited a love for writing from her mother Genevieve would go on to win her first writing competition as a poet while attending an all-girls boarding school in Benin-City, Nigeria.  As her appetite for writing and storytelling blossomed, she toyed with the idea of becoming a romance novelist after she read her first Mills and Boons. This dream would fizzle out as she made her way into college.

It would take a heartbreak across the Atlantic Ocean to get her writing again, and that is when she penned her first poetry book titled “The Healing Place,” while couped up in a hotel room in London. She would rediscover her passion for writing from pain and soon wrote a follow-up poetry piece titled “The Praise Journey.”  Heartbroken and depressed after experiencing multiple rejections by several publishing houses; she chose to bury her manuscripts and moved on to work in Corporate America.

However, it would not be long when God would use a young interviewer to get her back on track writing again. The young man, so impressed by her cover letter invited her in for a job interview. On meeting with her, she was told that he had no interest in hiring her but wanted to encourage her to write instead. He said to her ‘Your writing has a flair about it, and you would serve the world better by your writing instead”His words never left her spirit. And she began to write inspirational monthly newsletters titled “The Harvest” for the everyday working Christian surviving corporate America ten years.

Only after losing her inheritance, finding God and six years of burying her gifts, Sandra decided to write again but this time about the Biblical Dysfunctional Families in the Bible and make it relatable to contemporary times. The book was a hit. She would follow up with “Unlocking the Deborah in You, 18 Traits of A Great Female Leader” a book written to remind all women that they could lead without losing their femininity. Soon, many of the married couples whom she had counseled as a pastor for eight years would be blessed with her book “Oh Lord! Who Have I Married? The Different Husbands and Wives of the Bible and the lessons we could learn” This would solidify her as a writer who had great diversity and insight into how to take Scripture and make it relatable to the twenty-first century believer. Sandra would pen another book on Women Empowerment titled “Woman, God Has Given You Your Voice Back” as a confirmation that God has empowered all women with their own unique voices and how best to leverage situational challenges into powerful platforms.

Today, Sandra is back to writing with the same passion she had in earlier years, releasing six books yearly with absolutely no intention of slowing down. When you ask her what is next on her plate, she will tell you workbooks, radio, and television. She also believes that everyone has a story to tell and if opportune, one should share their stories to help others.  Sandra Ekpenyong is not only an author but a minister, psalmist, relationship counselor who graduated with a degree in Political Science from the University of Maryland.

The former host of the “Empowering You for Today Show” an inspirational Christian radio out of Baltimore is transitioning into podcasting in 2023. When she is not preaching or writing, you will find her giving back to her community through her non-profit organization called “Empowering Women; Empowering Voices” (EWEV) which is specifically geared towards women empowerment. Sandra believes in helping the disenfranchised woman to find her voice and creating financial stability. When she is not traveling internationally, she makes her home in Maryland.

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